February 20, 2025 | 7 PM

Take a trip to Loveland!  Romance, Passion, LIFE!  Sonnets, a sweet and vibrant work, is inspired by the beautiful ‘Sonnets from the Portuguese’, a romantic set of poetry of which the most famous begins ‘How do I love thee, Let me count the ways.  What a way to start your trip to Loveland!  A classical pas de deux; bravura ballet at its finest, and every balletomane’s dream, follows. The dancers will then mesmerize you with ‘Hallelujah’ before jumping feet first into Someone to Love, a new ballet by Artistic Director Kim Tuttle.  Ranging from music of the 40’s to NOW, the program is comic, poignant, jazzy, romantic and classical.  Upbeat and exciting… LOVELAND is an evening to remember!

Photos by Johnston Photography