Aaron Janosa
Clarinet & Saxophone
Mr. Aaron Janosa is the Director of Music at North Marion High School, and oversees all aspects of the music department. He directs the “Colt Stampede” Marching Band, Concert Band, and Jazz Band.
Mr. Janosa received his Bachelor of Music in Music Education and Certificate of Music Performance from the University of Florida. He actively performed in the UF Wind Symphony and Clarinet Choir, among other ensembles, playing under the baton of such conductors as Dr. David Waybright, Thomas Leslie, Christian Schulz, and Harvey Hermann. He recorded two albums on the Mark Custom label, one as basset horn soloist on Christmas Clarinets, and one as rotating principal on Masks and Machines. He studied clarinet under Mitchell Estrin, and has participated in masterclasses with artists Stephen Williamson and Julian Bliss.
Mr. Janosa’s professional affiliations include National Association for Music Education, Florida Music Education Association, Florida Bandmasters Association, and the International Clarinet Association.